20 Years of Desert Mission!
Next week we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the chartering of Desert Mission! In preparation for this monumental occasion, we’d like to invite you to take a look back at the last 20 years…and a look forward into the next 20. And then, let’s make some art together!
As you look back, think about your first time at Desert Mission. What comes to mind? It might be a memory of a conversation, an image, or just a feeling. This week, tell your story to someone, whether it’s a family member, another member of the church community, or us! You can tag us in a post on Facebook or Instagram and share your memories there.
As you look forward, imagine what you’d like Desert Mission to look like 20 years from now, in 2044(!!!). Just as your memory didn’t need to be a full narrative, your glimpse into the future doesn’t need to be either. It might be a splash of color that captures how it should FEEL to be at the church. It might be a potential member of the church community. It might be an idea of how the building itself might look. It might even be a word or phrase.
Whatever you imagine, we’d like you to turn it into a piece of art! Today after both services we provided paper and coloring supplies and encouraged people to draw their “Desert Mission 2044” ideas. And if you missed the opportunity to create something, whether it’s because you weren’t at church today, you didn’t have time to stick around and draw, or you just weren’t feeling inspired, you can still contribute to our community art project. Create your own drawing and bring it in anytime over the next two weeks, leave it in the Sunday School classroom, and it will be added to the stack we collected today and used to create a larger art piece representing EVERYBODY’S ideas. Don’t worry about whether your art is “good” enough, or whether your idea is good enough. In fact, you don’t even have to sign your piece. Just draw! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.