Cultivate a Gratitude Tree

From the hymns to the sermon, the word of the day during today’s service was gratitude. Even when things are difficult, there’s so much to be grateful for! Creating a gratitude tree can help your family tap into that feeling and, even more importantly, help it grow. Here are the basics:

  • First, make the leaves of your gratitude tree. They can be any size, shape, and color you’d like, and there are some great templates here. Punch a hole at the top of each leaf, and loop ribbon, string, or a twist tie through each hole.

  • Next, write something you’re grateful for on each leaf – or draw it, or paste a picture – it’s your choice. Everyone in the family can contribute, and there’s no such thing as too many leaves. In fact, purposely make extras

  • Then, create your tree. The folks at recommend using a small tree branch or twigs, but you can also craft a tree from pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, or any other material you have available! Place the tree into a vase or other vessel, and put stones, sand, or gems in the bottom to hold it in place

  • You’re now ready to hang your leaves on the tree, but before you do, we invite you to pray over each one, creating a ritual that every member of your family knows well enough to do on their own

  • Place the tree in a central location and keep the extra leaves nearby, encouraging family members (and even visitors to your home!) to add to the tree anytime they’d like

Feel free to customize the tree to meet your family’s needs – make it as small or large as you’d like, use colors that complement your home, or even utilize an existing plant (real OR artificial) instead of making one. And please accept this loving reminder that while “crafty” activities like this often seem like they’re intended for families with kids, they are absolutely accessible to folks of all ages. After all, the things we’re grateful for might shift as we get older, but the value of cultivating a gratitude practice has no age limit. So let your tree grow alongside your sense of gratitude, and watch as both blossom into something truly beautiful.

What will you add to your gratitude tree? Share your words or pictures with us on our Facebook page.


“Fortune Teller” Blessings


Make Time for Self-Care