Go Rainbow Hunting!

We’ve had a lovely, rainy weekend here in Scottsdale. It’s been a much-needed break from the heat, a nice deep drink for the plants, and it finally feels like fall! The rainy weather also brings with it the possibility of seeing a rainbow...

Rainbows have a beautiful significance in the Bible – they are a sign of God’s covenant with us after the flood, a reminder to us – and to God – of God’s promise that there will never be another flood like that one. It may rain – and rain, and rain – but the rain will always come to an end.

So this week, go rainbow hunting! If there’s still enough water in the air, you can take a walk or drive through your neighborhood and try to find a rainbow in the sky. Just remember to keep the sun behind you. If you don’t find one, you can also bring the rainbow to you. Grab a garden hose and turn it to “mist,” stand with your back to the sun, and you just might find a rainbow in the spray.

You can go rainbow hunting indoors as well, while also doing a little bit of scientific exploration! The first method involves light refraction: grab a large glass of water, a small mirror, and a flashlight, and head for a room that can be made very dark. Place the mirror in the glass at an angle, darken the room, and shine the flashlight at the mirror, and you’ll see a rainbow. Read more about the science behind it on the Explorable website.

The second method uses capillary action to “grow” a rainbow. You’ll need a paper towel, washable markers, and two cups of water. The full directions are available on the blog The Best Ideas for Kids, but the process is simple: fold and trim the paper towel, draw rectangles of rainbow colors on the short edges (really saturate the color), and then dip the ends in the water cups and watch the rainbow colors make their way up the paper towel until they meet in the middle! It’s pretty amazing to watch the rainbow grow.

The final place to go hunting for rainbows is, of course, your Bible. There are seven references to rainbows in the Bible, though the word itself only appears six times. Can you find all of them? If you get stuck or want to check your work, consider this your answer key.

Whether it’s outside or inside, we hope you are lucky enough to find a rainbow, and when you do, be sure to appreciate both the beauty of our world and the beauty of God’s love.

Where did your family’s rainbow hunt lead? Share your stories and pictures with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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