Make a Praise Collage!

There’s just something fun about making collages – maybe it’s being given permission to cut up magazines, maybe it’s the freedom to include anything you want in it, or maybe it’s the fact that making it kind of messy makes it better. Regardless of which of these reasons appeals to you, this week, we invite you to gather your family, your old magazines, and some glue and make Praise Collages!

As the name implies, a Praise Collage (which we discovered while browsing includes images and words connected to things you are thankful that God has brought into your life. These might be people, belongings, experiences, or even just things of beauty that you are glad exist. Magazines are always a great source of images for collage-making, but many of us have taken our subscriptions digital, and there’s only so much to be found in the pages of Costco Connection and the various alumni magazines that come our way, so feel free to print images from the internet, mine your family photos, or even draw things by hand!

Work at the same table, and help each other if someone gets stuck. If inspiration is difficult to come by, you can even brainstorm words first, then move on to images. It’s also okay if the images aren’t directly representational – maybe you’re grateful for a beautiful color, or a texture, or a word that you think is really fun to say. There are no wrong choices to be made here.

After you’re finished, each person can share what they made. If you are the person leading this part, try to ask open-ended questions like “Tell us about what you made,” or “Talk about this part of your collage!” Maybe you’ll be inspired to pray together, expressing your thanks for all of the things in your collages. Then you can hang them up, because sometimes life is hard, and walking by a reminder of your blessings can be just what you need.

What will you include in your Praise Collage? Share your ideas with us on our Facebook page.


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