Make Every Day a “Holiday!”

If you’ve never explored the website National Today, you are missing out on literally hundreds of “holidays.” We’re using quotes because some of them can only be considered holidays in the very broadest possible sense of the word, but this week, make it your family’s intention to tip your cap to some lesser-known holidays, and have some fun doing it!

National Today lists 183 holidays in July alone! What an incredible, probably excessive, number of things to celebrate this month! Go through the list together and see what jumps out to you – the options encompass some “real” holidays (like Bastille Day), some wholesome holidays (Teddy Bear Picnic Day!), a wide selection of yummy holidays (ever heard of National Peach Ice Cream Day?), and a smattering of odd-but-fun holidays (National Measuring Tape Day, anyone?).

Many of these holidays (we’ve removed the quotes, but feel free to imagine them there anyway) have very lightly-sketched premises, so you can really celebrate however you’d like. Plan your day together, and make sure everyone in the family has a role in carrying them out. Here’s some inspiration for the days we’ve already mentioned:

  • Perhaps you’ll observe Bastille Day by reading up on French history and enjoying some French foods (this would also be an appropriate way to celebrate National French Fry Day, which is also this month)

  • Maybe you’d rather gather your favorite stuffed friends, make sandwiches, and have a picnic in your backyard (or your family room, if it’s too hot to be outdoors) for Teddy Bear Picnic Day

  • A hot day would actually be perfect for making homemade peach ice cream for National Peach Ice Cream Day…and here’s a super-easy recipe that doesn’t require an ice cream maker

  • If your family is competitive, you can observe National Tape Measure Day by trying to guess how big all of your furniture is, then busting out your tape measure and seeing how close you were!

The possibilities are literally endless, and we haven’t even touched on the other 179 July holidays. But on that note, today happens to be Cheer Up the Lonely Day. This one is really sweet, and easy to observe – just make a commitment to reaching out today, just as Pastor Anthony encourages us to do at the end of every service, and connect with someone who might be in need of a smile, a laugh, or a kind word. Perhaps this one is the perfect place for your family to start.

We’d love to hear about (and see pictures of!) the new holidays your family has decided to explore – share them with us on our Facebook page. And feel free to reward yourself for your efforts by observing an adults-only holiday, National Mojito Day, which happens to fall on today’s date as well.

Happy Everything!


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