Make Valentines for HopeKids!

As you may have read in this week’s newsletter, next Saturday, February 13, from 3 to 4 pm, Desert Mission is hosting a drive-thru event for HopeKids. One of our ongoing missions, HopeKids is a fantastic support community for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Here’s how you can participate:

The items being requested are individually-wrapped candy and Valentine’s Day cards. There will be a collection box outside the church office during office hours if you’d like to bring things by during the week, and you can email if you have any questions. We’ll leave the matter of candy up to you, but do have an idea for a homemade pop-up heart Valentine that we’d like to share with you. The beauty of the finished product belies how simple it is to make!

All you need is paper – either colored or white (that you can then color or decorate as desired!) – and tape or glue. Print this template from the Oh Joy! blog right onto your “fun” paper, or use it to make a tracer. Page 1 will be the outside of the card, Page 2 the inside. There are very clear fold and cut lines on the template, which makes this project absolutely accessible to adults and kids of all ages, and if you’ve got kids who are working on cutting skills, it’s a great opportunity to practice!

If you’d like to make the pop-up portion of the card even more festive, you can even trace just the small heart (a bit challenging, but if you make it into a tracer you only have to do it once) onto paper of a different pattern and glue or tape it on top of the pop-up.

Attach the inside to the outside, write your message of love and encouragement, and you’re done! You can sign the card with your name, DMUMC, or Friends of HopeKids. You may not need an envelope, but if you do use one, HopeKids requests that you please don’t lick it.

Make as many cards as you’d like – there’s no such thing as too much love. In fact, many of us could use a little extra encouragement this year, so if after you finish your cards for the drive-thru event, you feel inspired to reach out to others in your life who may need a reminder of how loved they are, please do it. And remember that you are loved as well ❤


Feel the Love on Valentine’s Day


Groundhog Day