Mother’s Day Poetry

There are lots of poems out there about moms. LOTS. And like prayers, sometimes one someone else has written captures perfectly how you feel, but sometimes the right words need to come straight from your heart. So this year, write a Mother’s Day poem!

There are dozens of types of poetry, 28 of which are laid out by Scribophile here. Take a look and choose one that speaks to you. If you are helping younger kids to create their own Mother’s Day poems, consider choosing a type of poetry with simple, clear guidelines, like haiku, acrostic, or limerick. But truly, your poem can express whatever feelings you want, and in whatever style lends itself to what you have to say.

After you compose your poem, you can get creative with the way you design your final copy – fancy text, lots of colors, draw a picture to go with it…have fun! Then give it as part of your Mother’s Day gift, or maybe the whole gift. After all, the thought you put into the poem is a major part of its value; as Proverbs 25:11 expresses, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” And if your poem is for someone you can’t give it to, for whatever reason, then those “words fitly spoken” can be a gift you give yourself.

If you’re inspired to share your Mother’s Day poetry with us, we’d love to see it! Connect with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


The Language of Pentecost


Yes, and…