Paper Bag Skits

Last week we talked about the stars in the sky, and this week our focus is the stars in your house! Try your hand at a creative drama activity that might push you out of your comfort zone, but will definitely give each family member a time to shine. It’s called ‘Paper Bag Skits.’

The guiding idea of this activity is that the world is full of wonder, and every object is full of possibilities. Accordingly, you’ll start with a kind of warm-up, a game called ‘Object Transformation,’ or ‘This is Not A…’

Here’s how you play: collect a variety of objects from around your house. You can choose anything – a pen, a cup, a paper towel tube, really, anything! Put the objects between you and take turns choosing one and transforming it by saying “This is not a...this is a…” and showing everyone else how to use it. For example, “This is not a pen, it’s a conductor’s baton,” then use it to conduct an imaginary orchestra! You’ll be amazed at the possibilities waiting within even the most ordinary objects.

Then grab a few paper bags (or whatever else you have around) and place a handful of objects in each one. If you’ve got a large family, break into teams and give each group bag; if you’re playing all together, choose one bag at random. The objects in your bag will become part of a skit you’ll create together. Set a time limit if you’d like; 15 minutes will likely be sufficient. Each family member can choose a character, then you’ll make up a story together and use the objects as props while you act it out as a scene (that means there will be dialogue instead of narration). You might find that the smaller members of your family need a little nudging during object transformation, because that kind of thinking can be tricky, but don’t be surprised if they take the lead during the story creation part if imaginative play is something they enjoy.

If your family broke into teams, share your skits with each other; if you did not, you can record what you made and watch it later, and marvel at the imaginations and talents of the people in your family!

What possibilities did you unlock within the objects in YOUR house? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


Be a King


Follow the Stars