Prayer Space

Lent is a great time to recommit to your prayer life. This week, create space for prayer by literally creating a space for prayer!

Your prayer space doesn’t have to be an entire room, though it can be. Any space you can set aside for this purpose, even if it’s just a corner of a room, will do just fine. Once you’ve selected your space, your family can work together to curate the space – what things should be (or not be) in the space in order to help you feel more connected to God? A great guide to curating your prayer space is to consider each of the five senses:

  • SIGHT – what colors help you to quiet your mind and focus? What objects, when you see them, make you feel connected to God? Think about small things you can do to make the space look more inviting, like switching out a picture on the wall.

  • SMELL – is there a candle or a bottle of essential oil that you can place in your prayer space to make it smell special? Or perhaps a particularly aromatic plant or a jar of spices? If you find strong smells distracting, you might simply open the window and let the fresh air in.

  • SOUND – silence is often what we seek when we’re trying to listen for the voice of God. What can you do to make your prayer space quiet? This could affect what space you choose, how you set it up, or the expectations you set around how one can let the rest of the family know when they’re using the prayer space, so everyone else can be mindful of making noise in other parts of the house.

  • TOUCH – when our bodies are comfortable, it’s easier for our minds to focus. Are there special pillows or blankets that you can put in the space to make it extra comfy? Also consider including some objects that make you feel calm when you touch them, like smooth rocks, beads, or stuffed animals.

  • TASTE – you probably don’t need a snack bar in your prayer space, but you might set aside a special tea or juice that you only drink while you’re praying – something warm and soothing.

Once you’ve set up your prayer space, use it! Leave it set up if you can, but if you can only spare the space on an as-needed basis, be sure everyone knows they can set it up and use it whenever they feel moved to pray. Try to make it a point to use it during Lent, and perhaps it will become part of your family’s prayer life all year round.

We’d love to hear about the objects you’ve selected for your prayer space! Share with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


5 Minutes of Meditation


Pray, Fast, Give