Resolve to Recommit Together

With the new year comes a new beginning, one many of us are really looking forward to. Many of us will greet the new year with resolutions – to do (or not do) things, to make or break habits, to learn new things or recommit to previous areas of interest. In fact, during today’s service, Pastors Anthony and Katherine led Wesley’s Covenant Service, a recommitment to serving God in the year to come. How will your family put these words into action? How will you make Wesley’s covenant a resolution that you can carry out in 2021?

Only your family can determine how exactly to best live your faith in the next year, but if you’re looking to solidify your resolution to carry out Wesley’s covenant in 2021, you might start by having some conversations around the three parts of Desert Mission’s statement of purpose:

  • Open Hearts – what mission work might your family take part in next year? What causes do you feel passionate about and what types of service feel accessible to you? What can you all do together?

  • Open Minds – how can you search for God’s truth together? Will you read scripture? Pray together? Wonder together?

  • Open Doors – what can you do, as a family, to create a more welcoming, loving community and world?

Now, we all know that resolutions can be hard to keep. It’s easy to let go of ideas that aren’t specific (“read more” is so vague! What does it mean?), aren’t realistic (really, you’re NEVER going to hit the snooze button?), or lack a mechanism for accountability (if you work out alone, nobody will know if you skip a few here or there…). So be sure your family’s resolutions are clear and doable, no matter how busy you get. And then write them down and make a plan now for how you’ll hold yourselves accountable over the next 12 months. Here is a free, printable organizer that breaks down your big resolution by month (imagine it says “we will” instead of “I will”). Create one for each resolution, post them somewhere eye-catching, and make each check-in a new opportunity to re-orient your actions and recommit to your goal of living your faith in 2021.

Let us know what specifics your family comes up with – and check in with us via Facebook along the way to let us know how it’s going!!!


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Christmas Around the World, Part 5 - Your House!