Say Thanks!

During this season of Lent, we are turning down the noise and tuning in to the many gifts around and within us using the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply an increased awareness of the present moment, and it can be focused inward (the breath, sensations within the body) or outward (using the five senses, cultivating gratitude).

This week, turn your focus outward, specifically on the other members of your family, even more specifically on the things they do right. When it comes to the people closest to us, it can sometimes be easier to notice the things they do wrong, or fail to do. It takes a special kind of attention to notice the good. This might involve simply adjusting the things you notice – perhaps there is a generally untidy person in your family; instead of noticing their messes, take care to notice the times they pick up after themselves. But noticing the good might also apply to family members who often do positive, helpful things – without being noticed at all. Perhaps you have a family member who cooks dinner for everyone else each night; take the time to notice and appreciate the gift of this daily act of service.

So notice the good this week – and call attention to it! Say “thank you” as frequently as you can: “Thank you for picking up your jacket from the floor!” or “Thank you for setting the table the first time I asked!” or “Thank you for cooking us such a yummy meal!” You can make a plan to thank each other in a structured way, for example, at the dinner table each night, but you can also just work to incorporate your thanks into the way you speak to each other. By cultivating the habit of noticing and calling out the big and small things each family member does right, you can begin to re-frame the way you interact with each other, throughout the Lenten season and beyond.

What are your loved ones doing right? Share your gratitude and affirmations with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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