Happy Independence Day
The Pledge of Allegiance, much like the Lord's Prayer, is something we say a lot, but do not talk about often enough. This week spend some time digging into the Pledge with your family.
Write each word on its own slip of paper and put them in order. Talk about what the more challenging words, like allegiance, republic, and liberty, mean. Look into the history of 'one nation, under God' - there are stories there that your kiddos might not have heard.
Ask deeper questions about some of the phrases: What does it mean to 'pledge allegiance' to something? We are a nation 'under God' - what do you think God wants to see in our country, and in us as Americans? How can we remain 'indivisible' when we disagree? What does 'liberty and justice for all' look like?
Pray - for our leaders, that they will make wise choices and represent us well; for our country, and our gratitude for the gifts it has given us as well as our hope that we can continue to make it better.
Be prepared to ask and answer questions, to talk and to listen, and to teach and to learn.