Summer in January

We’ve talked about Christmas in July, but what about Summer in January? This week, which will be the coldest one we’ve seen in a while, warm things up by bringing some summer fun into your home!

First things first, dress for the weather you want, not the weather you have. If your home is warm enough, trade out your long pants and sweaters for shorts and short-sleeved shirts. If it’s not, you can do the “Midwest Halloween” (patent pending on this turn of phrase) – put on thermals or a sweatsuit under your summer clothes! You might feel silly, but who cares? You’re at home!

Next, set the scene: draw some outdoor scenes and hang them up so it feels like the world around you is in full bloom. If you’re feeling extra crafty, you can make some paper flowers and add some 3D touches to your summer decorations – check out the DIY instructions here (feel free to swap out the rope for pipe cleaners or another type of stem).

Feeling hungry yet? Have an indoor picnic! Spread out a blanket on the floor, pack a picnic basket or cooler with some sandwiches and finger foods, pour everyone a glass of iced tea or lemonade, and dine outdoors in the comfort of your own home. Bonus perk: no ants!

As your picnic winds down, “stop and consider God’s wonders” (Job 37:14). Together, imagine where in the great outdoors you are, and take turns pointing out the things you see. Maybe your blanket is resting on a sandy beach, or on a vast field of grass, or on the soft earth of a clearing in the middle of the forest. Visualize a huge, leafy tree, or a colorful bunch of wildflowers, and describe it in so much detail that everyone else can see it too. Use all of your senses, and your family can fully experience the wonder of God’s creation!

As the day goes on, you can wrap up your summer festivities or extend them! If you’re not ready to stop playing yet, transition your picnic into a campout. If you have a fireplace, you can imagine it’s a campfire; if you don’t, you can always pull up a yule log on your TV or computer. Make some toaster oven s’mores or cups of hot cocoa and sit around the “campfire” telling stories. You might even grab your sleeping bags (or a stack of blankets and pillows) and spend the night camping out right where you are! It may not be the most comfortable sleep you’ve ever had, but remember: God’s people wandered in the desert for 40 years, so you can spend a night away from your comfy bed. If you’re truly in danger of wrecking your back, though, maybe you compromise and bed down on the couch.

“Summer in January” may not warm up the outside world, but it will certainly bring a sense of warmth into your home and your hearts. Consider spreading the warmth as well – share photos and stories from your family’s taste of summer on our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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