Watch the Sunset

We mean it! This week, really *watch* the sunset, together, as a family. Sometimes the simplest things, done with intention, can become truly special experiences. If you live in Arizona (where sunset tonight is at 5:39 pm, in case you were wondering!), or someplace else where the weather is mild, gather outside. Bring warm blankets and hot beverages if you’d like to be extra cozy. If you live somewhere cold, and being outside at sunset is unreasonable, you can still snuggle up with your blankets and beverages inside your house, or even your car if you can’t see the sunset from any of your windows.

The rest of it is easy! Experience the glory of the setting sun. Marvel at how extraordinary this everyday event is when you really take the time to appreciate it. You might even find yourself inspired to say a prayer, in your heart or out loud – perhaps a prayer of gratitude to be living in this beautiful world where the sun sets in such a magnificent way each evening, perhaps a prayer of appreciation for the gifts of today, perhaps a prayer of hope for what tomorrow will bring with the rising of the sun.

Once the show is over, you can extend the experience by gathering whatever art supplies you have and drawing, or coloring, or painting the sunset you just saw. Each family member’s piece of art will be their own reflection of the experience you shared together. If you find yourself separated from those you’d most like to share the sunset with, you can also use this activity to connect: each of you can create your picture of what the sky looked like where you are, and share them with each other. That way, no matter how far apart you are, you can watch the sunset together.

If you create any drawings or paintings of the setting sun this week, share them with us on our Facebook page! We’d love to see what your corner of the sky looks like when the day is through.


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