Whose Team Are You On?

In honor of Super Bowl Sunday, we’d like to share with you an activity adapted from one created by the folks at Ministry-to-Children.com. It uses football fandom as a window into how we tell the world what kind of person we are, and is a great way to fill the time before the kick-off!

Start with a simple question: how can people tell what team you’re rooting for during the big game? Perhaps by what you’re wearing – a team jersey, a hat, maybe even face paint. But not everyone who’s a fan of a sports team has, or likes to wear, that kind of gear. So what other indicators are there? Well, your words are one – who are you cheering for, which team’s trivia are you sharing? Your actions are another – when do you jump up, when do you slump down? Your physical reactions to the plays on the field are telling, even if you don’t say a word.

Once you’ve guided your family through the first part of the discussion, move on to the second question: how can people tell you’re a disciple? Perhaps, again, by what you’re wearing – a cross, a piece of religious clothing, an item with the church logo on it. But while people might expect a disciple to look a certain way, we know there’s more to it: your words and actions are what ultimately say the most.

So make a list together of the words and actions that tell others what kind of person you are. These can be broad statements like “kind words” or “trustworthy actions,” but you can also get a lot more specific, bringing in words of prayer or faith, or actions like holding the door open for others, stepping in to a bullying situation, or cleaning up after yourself instead of expecting others to do it.

Then you can get artsy! Create a self-portrait of yourself that shows all of your disciple qualities shining through. You can use printer paper or trace yourself on butcher paper to make a life-sized portrait. Get creative with how your face and body reflect who you are, and even add a speech bubble if you’d like. A football jersey from your favorite team is optional.

Share your words, actions, and even self-portraits with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


Pray, Fast, Give


Honoring Alma Woodsey Thomas