The Thanksgiving holiday is fast approaching! You can help make the day extra special for low-income families in southern Scottsdale by donating about $25 in “Thanksgiving sides” and/or a $35 Walmart or Frys gift card to the Vista del Camino Food Bank.

For this annual drive, the Missions Committee encourages DMUMC members to buy a list of suggested Thanksgiving sides (2 cans each of sweet potatoes, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, gravy, and chicken broth; 2 boxes of instant mashed potatoes; and 2 packages of stuffing mix). Each bag of groceries will be distributed with a turkey and a $35 store card to a needy family. Reusable shopping bags (with the grocery list in each bag) are available in the church narthex for you to pick up, fill, and return to the church.

Church members who prefer not to shop can donate money directly to the church to cover the cost of the Thanksgiving sides and/or the gift cards. If writing a check, please note “VDC Thanksgiving sides” on the memo line. If donating online, please designate “Vista del Camino Food Bank.” Donations will be accepted through Sunday, November 7, for delivery to the VDC Food Bank by November 8.


Bring in your cans!


So Few Months Left In the Year – So Many Ways Left to Care!