So Few Months Left In the Year – So Many Ways Left to Care!

Opportunities exist all around us for giving above and beyond our commitments to Desert Mission UMC. The Missions Committee encourages everyone to support one or two of these end-of-year drives. Simply drop off your donations at the church office or place them in the Missions bins inside the main doors to the church. Lists of items needed on an ongoing basis are attached to the bins. Thanks to all who contribute!


  • Donate new or gently used purses and costume jewelry for Purse-Impressions, a Cave Creek nonprofit that aids women returning to the community after completing drug and alcohol rehab treatment.


  • Donate a grocery bag full of Thanksgiving "sides" (instant mashed potatoes, dressing mixes, gravy packets, and canned green beans, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce) for Vista del Camino Food Bank to distribute with frozen turkeys to needy families.

  • Donate snacks and hygiene items for both male and female active-duty military personnel and drop off empty aluminum cans, which are recycled to pay for the postage to ship Care Packages for Troops. Our goal is to ship several care packages around Veterans Day (Nov. 11).


  • Adopt a needy individual or family via the Christmas Angel Tree and buy Christmas gifts for them to be distributed by the Wesley Center.

  • Support HopeKids by donating $25 gift cards for families facing extraordinary medical expenses.

  • Donate new large and extra-large clothes and new small household appliances, such as toasters and coffee pots, (with tags still attached) for Christmas gifts for homeless and disadvantaged adults at UMOM and the Justa Center.




The Inn of Arizona