Dads Rock!

This Father’s Day, we bring you an activity that taps into the amazing gifts the father figures in our lives bring to us while capitalizing on the timeless appeal of “Dad jokes.” Today, tell your dad he rocks – literally!

In order to do so, you’ll need to gather six rocks, the flattest and smoothest ones you can find. They need to be large enough to write a word or two on. Clean your rocks and let them dry (a minute or two in the Arizona sun should do it!) while you grab tempera paints or colorful Sharpies. Think about the dad or dads in your life – remember, there are lots of ways to fill that role – and come up with six attributes that make them special. Perhaps they’re strong, caring, brave…come up with one word or short phrase for each rock, and draw or paint them on. Then turn the rocks over and work on side two!

On side two, you’ll draw your dad, one chunk at a time. One rock will be the head, one the torso, two will include arms and hands, and the remaining two will contain the legs and feet. Get creative with the clothing your dad is wearing and be as detailed as you want. When you put the rocks together with side two facing up, it will create a full-body portrait; with side one up, a collection of all the things you love about the person you are honoring today.

You can give the rocks to your dad all at once OR game-ify it by hiding them around your home and having your dad find them. You might come up with clues that lead to where each rock is hidden, or play “hot and cold” with each one. It’s up to you! When they’ve all been found, be sure to wrap things up with a classic pun, like “Hey dad – you rock.”

As a bonus, if you’re inspired to keep the Dad jokes going, check out this fantastically groan-inducing list on And PLEASE share your favorites with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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