Family Talent Show

We can’t wait to learn more about our new pastor, Pastor Michael, and to have him share his unique talents with us! In that spirit, this week we encourage you to learn more about the talents of the people in your family…by putting on a family talent show!

Before you begin, spend some time thinking about the talents you might be able to display. Broaden your idea of what constitutes a talent worth sharing, and encourage your family members to dig deep as well. You have more to offer than you might imagine! Maybe someone in your family has a talent for video games, or can do a headstand, or is one of the rare people who can expertly fold a fitted sheet. Depending on how large your group is, ask each person to choose one or two talents to share. And depending on how much your family relishes the spotlight, you might ask each person to aim for a specific time duration as well.

Rehearse your talents separately, then come together to share them. You can either appoint someone as the MC of your talent show or take turns introducing each other’s acts. Whoever ends up doing the introductions, make sure they announce each performance with lots of flair so that each one seems as impressive as possible. You might also have someone provide color commentary for any silent talents – imagine the excitement you can add to a sheet-folding performance by talking up each step of the process!

As you connect to your talents, you set yourself up to be able to serve others from a place of creativity and confidence. So share your gifts with your family first, and then share them with the world!

We invite you to share your talents with us as well – share pictures and videos of your family’s talent show with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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