Getting to Know You(rself)

In this time of transition within our church, take full advantage of the opportunity to get to know not only our new Pastor and his family, but also those you already know – including yourself. One great way to do this in a structured way is to “interview” each other!

Use the questions on the Small Church Ministry’s Life Story Worksheet as a jumping-off point. While the activity they describe isn’t quite what we’re doing here, there are some great questions to get you started, like:

  • What was your neighborhood like when you were a kid? (perfect for multi-generational interviews!)

  • Can you think of a significant moment that changed you?

  • Why did you come to this church? (less relevant for family interviews, but great for fellowship time!)

  • How would you describe FAITH to someone who doesn’t know God?

  • Do you like movies better or books? What’s your favorite movie or book?

  • Do you have a favorite quote or saying?

Whoever you choose to interview, be sure that each of you gets to chance to ask the other at least a few things. And as you get to know the other person, you’ll likely find that you’re getting to know yourself better as well! Sometimes the right question from someone else can spur you to call up a long-forgotten memory, or figure out what you think about something you’d never had to articulate before.

After you’re done talking, you can take this activity a step further by writing some of your responses down. Have each person in your family choose one of the questions they were most excited to answer, set a timer for five or ten minutes, and have everyone write out their answer. You can scribe for smaller kids if needed – just make sure you also take some time to write our your own response.

You can repeat this writing exercise as many times as you like, using different questions each time. And before you know it, you’ve each got an autobiography of sorts – maybe a short one, maybe much more! Regardless of the “finished product,” however, the whole process will bring you closer to your interview partners, deepen your connection to your own story, and help you create something of yourself to share with those you love.

What is your favorite question to ask folks you’re trying to get to know better? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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