The Lord’s Prayer in a Week

Way back in 2020, we shared (via Zoom) an activity called “The Lord’s Prayer in a Bag.” It’s a really lovely way of deconstructing and examining the words we say every week. This week, approach this activity again, but in a new way – one day at a time.

The full, traditional version of the activity is available here. Your version will be more personal, a co-creation with the people in your family. Here’s the day-by-day breakdown:

Day 1: “Our Father, who art in Heaven...” If we think of God’s love as being like the love of the person who knows you and loves you the best, who is the person we’re talking about? Make a collage of photos or drawings of the family members, friends, and pets who love you best.

Day 2: “Hallowed be thy Name.” We try not to be hurtful or disrespectful when we say God’s name because it is so holy, so special. Use your fanciest, most special art supplies – glitter glue! sequins! puffy paint! - to make a collage of the word HOLY.

Day 3: “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” What would the world be like if it was the way God wanted it to be? Brainstorm together as you make a map of your town, street, or house (or, if you’re feeling extra crafty, a papier mache globe).

Day 4: “Give us this day our daily bread…” Bake or eat bread together and talk about what we really need to live.

Day 5: “And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Make your own NO TRESPASSING sign and talk about how to forgive people who hurt us – or at least how to try.

Day 6: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Sometimes we really want to have or do things we know aren’t the best choices! Make your own Monopoly money using this template. In the center, draw something that tempts you.

Day 7: “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever and ever.” If all of our blessings come from God, what can we do to take care of them? Make paper crowns while you talk about it! Here’s a simple, colorful version that’ll take just enough time for you to make plans to care for yourselves, your fellow humans, and the Earth.

Once your bag is complete, use it! Pray the Lord’s Prayer using your objects, and each time you say “Amen,” remember that is your promise to do what you’ve prayed. Share pictures of your bag’s contents with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and we’ll echo your “Amen” right back at you!


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