Give of Your Time

Last week we talked about how people of all ages can practice generosity of spirit. This week, we’d like to talk about ways to cultivate a different kind of generosity – to give of your time.

Giving of your time is a great way to share with a happy heart even when you don’t have material things to offer. It also has a kind of magical ripple effect! According to Psychology Today, when others see you being generous, it makes them more likely to be generous too. This includes others in the community and, of course, the young people in your family who are watching your actions and using your example to shape what kind of people they will grow up to be. In this way, the time you share in service is exponentially more powerful than the specific things you do during that time.

How can your family be generous with your time? There are a few great ways for every member of your family to practice this kind of generosity at church. First, volunteer for a service position! Kids of all ages can help with set-up and clean-up on Sunday mornings, and older kids can be liturgists, sing in the choir, and even learn to help in the A/V booth. As your family fills out your volunteer form(s), remember to include everyone, and if you’re not sure whether a position is appropriate for your kiddo, just ask someone in leadership!

Second, lend your hands to a mission project! Some of our missions require collaborative activities like making cards or putting together care packages, and more hands are always welcome. Keep your ears open for opportunities like this, and consider bringing the whole family along to help. In fact, there will be an opportunity to pack boxes for the troops within the next few weeks. If you want to be sure you won’t miss a chance to volunteer your time, contact Mary Ann, our Missions chair.

There is a caveat to this exhortation to give freely and happily of your family’s time: you cannot nourish others from an empty well. Being generous with your time also means being fully present in the things you choose to do, so take care not to overextend yourselves, and be sure to set aside time for things like family dinner, prayer, and down time. Be generous with yourselves so you can be generous with others.

Which service opportunities do you find the most fulfilling? What would you love to devote your time to if it was on the table? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


Give of Your “Treasure”


Give of Your Spirit