Give of Your “Treasure”

Generosity is always focused, in some way, on meeting the needs of its recipient. Sometimes these needs are emotional, sometimes they are participatory, and sometimes they are material. This week, consider helping meet someone’s material needs by giving of your “treasure.”

Many of our mission projects run on donations, and even if you don’t consider yourself as possessing “treasure” in its most literal sense, every contribution helps. The same applies to the kids in your family – no amount, or person, is too small to make a difference. We’d like to highlight two of the projects running right now, and the ways in which your entire family can contribute.

  1. Gift cards for Hope Kids. The families of kids with life-threatening illnesses are always in need of our prayers, but around the holidays they also need help providing for the necessities – and some of the extras that make this time special. We are collecting gift cards in any denomination, with a request for gas or grocery cards or gift cards from Amazon, Walmart, or Target. Talk to the kids in your family about what Hope Kids is, and invite them to save up some of their own money to purchase (or contribute to) a gift card. They can even include a greeting card with a message they’ve written or drawn. Bring your cards in by December 11 and drop them in the gift-wrapped donation box on the Missions rolling rack.

  2. Wesley Center Angel Tree. This year over 30 kids (and a few adults!) shared their Christmas wish list with us, which you can help fulfill. If you’ve taken an angel from the tree, talk about what the person who made it might be like. Then go shopping together and let your kids help you pick out the gifts, and maybe even help pay for them. It can be hard for kids (and even adults) to imagine that other folks live differently than we do, so talk about what the holidays are like for those who don’t have much, and how we can make their Christmas magical by giving them some of what we have. These donations are also due by December 11. UPDATE AS OF 11:15 AM TODAY: all of the angels have been chosen! If your family missed out, please consider contributing next year (and shifting your giving to our Hope Kids mission!). In the meantime, read more about the Wesley Center here.

Keep up with our missions throughout the year – read the newsletter each week and look for opportunities for your kids to help collect items to donate, or even donate some of their own things. And if they have an idea for something we’re not already doing, have them talk to the Missions committee about it!

As you cultivate generosity in your young people, try to lead by example rather than forcing them to be generous. After all, as it says in 2 Corinthians, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Also keep in mind that you don’t need to have a lot in order to give a lot. In Sunday School, we read the story of Jesus in the temple, witnessing others put their gifts in the treasury. He sees a rich man pouring a bag full of treasure into the bowl, followed by a poor woman putting in two small coins. The question we leave the children with is, “Who gave the most?”

How does your family give of your “treasure?” Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


Stir-up Sunday!


Give of Your Time