Labor Day Q&A

Fun Fact: Labor Day is the 3rd most popular day for a cookout after Memorial Day and July 4th. But whether or not you’re gathering for some outdoor eats, take the time to find out what’s cookin’ in the work lives of the people you love.

When kids are asked what their caregivers do for a living, they sometimes give responses like, “She takes care of me!” or “He makes me mac and cheese!” or “They pick me up from school!” This doesn’t always change as we get older! Oftentimes, we know where somebody goes for 8 hours every day. We might even know their job title. But their work life remains pretty opaque.

So this year, honor Labor Day by asking the people you love about work – the people you live with, maybe, or even people you need to call or email to ask. Start with these questions:

  • What are three things you do at your job? (daily tasks, things they’re in charge of, etc)

  • What are three things you love about your job? (if they can’t think of three things, they might need a little extra love)

  • What are three things that you don’t love about your job? (if they can’t think of three things, you might want to apply to work there too)

If you have kids in your life, help them ask these questions to the adults in their lives (and offer your own answers as well!). Be sure you model really listening to the answers, because at some point in the future each person will choose one of the workers in their life and write them a motivational note. It doesn’t have to be long, but it should be specific, i.e. “Thanks for all you do! I hope everybody replies to your calendar invites this week!” or “I hope you have a great day, and that your PowerPoint presentation turns out just like you want it to.” On that day, far enough in the future where they may not expect you to still remember what they said, you’ll give them the note before they leave for work, or to mail it to them if they don’t live with you. That way they can get a little taste of the gratitude they so richly deserve even when it’s no longer the ONE DAY we’ve set aside for it.

We’d love to hear what you learn from your Labor Day Q&A. Share your stories with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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