Let It Snow

A wet cold snap has descended on our corner of Arizona this week, which in many places would signal the onset of snow, but here has resulted (at least as of now) in nothing more than chilly rain. Whether or not we see any actual snow here in the Valley, this weather brings to mind the oft-used expression that no two snowflakes are exactly alike, and neither are people. So this week, we invite you to celebrate your uniqueness through a simple snowflake craft.

All you need is paper, something to write with, and a pair of scissors. The base shape of your snowflake will be your hand print, so first trace your hand onto the paper. As you trace around each finger, think of something about yourself that makes you unique, and give thanks to God for creating you to be exactly who you are, the only you who has ever been or will ever be. Then cut the hand out, fold it two or three times, and make some small cut-outs along the folds – you can cut out triangle shapes, half-circles, whatever you’d like! You can either make all of your folds first, then make your cuts, or cut after each fold. Experiment with your cuts and folds, knowing that any “mistakes” you make (like accidentally cutting off one of the fingers) will just make the end product even more perfect in its imperfection. Unfold the hand, and enjoy your snowflake, as unique and irreplicable as you are.

If you’d like, you can make multiple hand prints and array them around a center point to make one large snowflake. You can even loop a string through one of the cut-outs and hang it from the ceiling. Turn your home into a snow-covered reflection of your family’s uniqueness.

What makes you unique? It could be a physical difference, a quirk of your personality, a life experience that made you who you are...share your snowflake qualities with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


King Day


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