King Day

In observance of MLK Day, we’d like to share with you ways in which you can both honor his legacy and continue the work he started.

To start with, your family might like to attend "The Legacy of MLK" concert happening TODAY at 3pm at Pinnacle Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale. It’s free! There will be music from Dr. King’s era, some of his favorite hymns, and readings celebrating him and exploring his legacy, all in honor of his 95th birthday. If you cannot make the concert but would like to immerse yourself in some of those hymns nonetheless, check out these recordings:

  • “Balm in Gilead” was cited by Coretta Scott King as one of his favorites; this version is performed by Nina Simone

  • “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” was the last song Dr. King requested before he died; this version is performed by Mahalia Jackson, who actually sang this very hymn at his funeral

The inclement weather slamming much of our country means there is also a special opportunity to participate in the King Day celebration held by the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, which will be virtual this year. Log on tomorrow at 11:30am Central time (10:30am Arizona time) to hear music, spoken word performances, and other tributes to Dr. King.

In order to truly honor Dr. King, however, consider his words: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?” MLK Day is an official national day of service. So get out there and serve! Desert Mission has several ongoing missions, including our Change for Change Drive, which currently benefits RIP Medical Debt, and our annual “Souper Bowl” competition, which collects canned goods for the Justa Center’s food pantry and the Vista del Camino Food Bank. You can learn more about both projects in our newsletter. But you can also donate blood (if you’re an adult, of course), or do a chore for a neighbor, or stand up for someone who is being bullied...the possibilities are endless. All you need to do is imagine the more just, more loving, more peaceful world envisioned by Dr. King and take action to create it.

How will you live out Dr. King’s legacy this year? Share with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


A Rainbow of Faith


Let It Snow