Mother’s Day Joy!

Not only does food provide nutrients, it can also be a source of joy. Sometimes the joy comes from the food itself, but often it’s due to the memories associated with a specific dish or meal, memories that connect us with those we love.

If you are honoring a specific woman today (we know mothers come in lots of different forms, so you can decide who this is for you), connect with her over her favorite food. Find out what dish or meal she loves, and cook it or buy it for her. You might even suggest cooking it together if that is something she enjoys doing! That way you’ll be able to combine the joy of sharing her favorite meal with the joy of spending time together, both while you prepare the food AND while you eat it. If her favorite dish comes from a restaurant, try to re-create it in your own kitchen. It might not be exactly the same, but a lovingly-attempted failure is often remembered with as much joy as a perfectly-executed success.

While you are cooking and/or eating, do some story collecting. Ask her what she loves about this particular dish, when she first remembers having it, and what her favorite memory of eating it is. Now those stories will be part of YOUR connection to this meal too!

You can still cook up some Mother’s Day joy even if you’re not physically with the mom in your life today. If you are separated by distance, consider prepping and eating via video chat. And if she is no longer living, prepare one of her favorite dishes, or something that reminds you of her, in her honor. Just as Jesus promised to be there in the breaking of the bread, you might feel her presence in the tastes and smells of the food she loved.

The gathering of your family's favorite meals and food-related stories can become an ongoing project for your family that extends beyond Mother's Day. It might even result in a family cookook that includes not just the recipes themselves but the stories behind them as well. Continue adding to it as time goes on, and you'll be able to access those memories, those points of connection, and that joy whenever you want to.

What foods are bringing your family Mother’s Day joy? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


A Time of Transitions


Noticing Joy