Noticing Joy

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been connecting with and sharing joy. This week, instead of recalling things that bring you joy, discover some new ones with a simple mindfulness exercise.

In addition to its other benefits, this exercise also invites you to take advantage of the gorgeous weather we’ve been enjoying out in the Valley of the Sun. All you have to do is gather your family, put on some sunscreen, and take a short walk – anywhere!

Before you begin walking, ground yourselves. Notice your breathing, the sensations in your body, the air on your skin, then start walking and noticing. You’re on the lookout for something you like. It might be an actual thing, like a bird, but it can also be a color, or even a shape. You don’t even need to know WHY you like it. Just notice how it makes you feel.

Then say, “I like that bird” or “I like the color of that car” or “I like the smell of that flower.” You can say it to yourself OR out loud – it’s up to you. It might be fun to notice things out loud if you’re walking with your family, but avoid trying to explain why you like them, or competing over who can notice more things, or notice them first….this is about the noticing.

It could be that you start off noticing things you already knew you liked. In fact, it’s likely that you’ll subconsciously seek out things that you know bring you joy, and that’s okay! If there’s a big leafy tree you like, or a Little Free Library painted just the right shade of blue, or a perfectly-symmetrical plant that lights you up every time you see it, that’s great. But maybe you’ll surprise yourself! When you open yourself up to joy, you might discover new things that you like seeing, or hearing, or smelling, and as the list of things that bring you joy grows, there will be more of it in your life, which is a very good thing.

At the end of your walk, take the time to say a prayer of gratitude for the things you noticed, and for the way they made you feel. And make plans for your next walk! When it gets too hot to spend time outside, you can walk through an indoor space like the church, a store, or even your own house. Who knows what hidden joys there are around you?

Check out the original source of this mindfulness exercise (we changed it a bit) here. And share your joyful surprises with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


Mother’s Day Joy!


Generations of Joy