Create a Family Dinnertime Ritual
In the wonderful book “The Surprising Power of Family Meals,” Miriam Weinstein refers to dinnertime rituals as a frame; they separate dinnertime from the rest of the day, and each family's dinnertime from the way in which other families do it. She writes: “Those simple actions that get repeated night after night become the road maps of our lives. They point us toward home, the footprints in the snow.” Your family may already have habits – begin doing them with purpose. You can also construct some new ones as a family, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly they become “the way things have always been done.”
Some ideas for inspiration:
Napkins in laps before we eat
Ice cream for dessert every night
"Spots" at the table, or a special way of deciding who is served first
A special place where we keep electronic devices during dinner
Friday night kitchen dancing!
Joining hands to say grace
While blessing your family's meal may appear to be the only "religious" dinnertime ritual, Miriam Weinstein calls all of these rituals “a kind of everyday secular sacredness.” By placing a "frame" around your family's dinnertime, no matter what it looks like, you are creating a sacred space.
Enjoy creating new dinnertime rituals, or reviving old ones! Leave a comment on Facebook and let us know which dinnertime rituals are favorites in your family. =)