Rock Out to the Music of Your Past

There are so many important things to focus on right now, but sometimes you need to take a break and focus on something less important. To that end, we bring you...Relive Your Past by Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day!

A search of the internet reveals very little about this utterly trivial “holiday” other than its day of annual observance, May 15. It simply exists. But your family can celebrate it without knowing anything about where, when, how, or why it began – and isn’t it a little more fun to do it that way?

Start by tracking down the first music you ever bought. Maybe you kept your physical copy – a record, a cassette, maybe even a CD – but even if you didn’t, pretty much every album ever made is now available online, so you will likely be able to find it and stream it.

Then gather the family and turn the music up! Sing along, dance, and remember. But don’t just remember the story of when and where you bought it, of what you loved about it – tell the story. Then create a space for the young people in your family to do the same. Let them share their favorite music with you, and dance with them, and listen to them to sing along. Ask them to tell you what they love about it. Maybe you won’t “get” their music, and maybe they won’t get yours. Maybe you’ll feel silly revisiting music you used to think was pretty cool. But maybe you’ll reignite your love for it (case in point: Boyz II Men’s 1994 album “II” still holds up!). And maybe your kids (or you!) will discover some new favorite songs.

What really matters, though are the stories. This ridiculous holiday is a fantastic opportunity to share family stories, and to create new stories with the young people in your family. So relive your past, and bring the first music you ever bought into the present.

What was the first music you ever bought? Share yours with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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