Share Some Laughs!

Making friends is always challenging, especially for kids, and those who don’t find it easy have surely had an even more difficult time of it over the past year and a half. There is some really helpful guidance out there for those looking to help their young people make friends, among it a piece of advice that lends itself perfectly to creating some great family memories along the way: learn some jokes!

There are few people out there, no matter their age, who would say no to the question, “Do you want to hear a joke?” It’s a great way to open up a conversation with a potential new friend, and lends itself beautifully to a continued back-and-forth filled with laughter and connection. Maybe your family would like to pool its knowledge and share favorite jokes with each other, or even look up some new ones together!

If you need a place to start, we found a great resource with some fantastic “punny” jokes, like “Why do bees have sticky hair?” (Because they use honeycombs), and “Where do library books like to sleep?” (Under their covers!), along with classics like this one: “Knock knock?” (Who’s there?) “Interrupting cow!” (Interrupting c--) “MOO!!!”

Once the ball gets rolling, your family can continue cracking each other up until the interrupting cows come home! Not only will your kiddos have some great jokes to tell their peers, they’ll also benefit from the confidence boost of trying out their jokes on you and getting a laugh (even if it’s also accompanied by a groan). You’ll also receive a bonus benefit from these mini stand-up comedy sessions: laughing together will become a part of your family’s story, and the jokes that become family favorites will stick with the kids in your life as they grow, until the next generation is ready to laugh at the chicken who crossed the playground (why, you may ask? To get to the other slide!).

We’d love to laugh at your family’s favorite jokes! Share them with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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