Go Take a Hike!

Fall is finally here, and while the rest of the country is heading inside to avoid the cold, here in Arizona it’s time for us to head back outside! At the same time, many area schools are on Fall Break, so this week, greet the cooler weather and take a hike!

If you need help picking out the perfect trail, Phoenix Mom Collective created a list of the best hikes for kids. Some are close by, while some are a little further out, so your family can decide how much of an event your hike will be. Here are some tips for making the most of your hike:

  • Pack plenty of water – it may have dropped below 100, but it’s still the desert

  • Bring some yummy hiking snacks! You might even pack a special treat as a reward when you reach the “turn-back point” of the hike. Be sure to reinforce the importance of caring for nature by packing out whatever you bring in

  • Add a different type of challenge to your hike by integrating a scavenger hunt into it. Perhaps your kids can find…

    • Each color of the rainbow

    • A variety of textures – hard, soft, sharp, smooth, etc.

    • Something that is alive, something that is not alive

    • Animals that move in different ways – one that crawls, one that hops, one that runs, and one that flies

    • Make up your own!

If the “noticing interesting things” part of the hike is more fun for your family than the “powering down the trail” part, you can also bring a notebook with you, and draw some of the interesting plants and animals you see along the way. You can even look some of them up later to find out what they are called. Use a different section for each trail you explore, and pretty soon you’ll have your very own nature guide! You’ll not only be able to compare the different places you’ve been, you’ll also cultivate a sense of gratitude for the beautiful, unique places surrounding us and the adventures your family has had together.

What are your favorite family-friendly hikes? Does your family have any hiking traditions you’d like to share? Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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