Silent Walking

It’s finally becoming cool enough to walk outside while it’s still light! For those who tend to fill their walks with podcasts, music, and other kinds of noise, we’d like to offer you the chance to be a part of a new trend that is really not new at all: Silent Walking.

Sometimes we forget things we once knew (this can be true of us as individuals, but in this case we mean us as a collective group of humans), so a reminder of something we have forgotten can be just as valuable as a new discovery. And so it is with Silent Walking: it may be a TikTok trend, but at its core, it’s what every walk was like before the age of cell phones, podcasts, and, well, TikTok.

As described in this article about the Silent Walking trend, the idea is as simple as it is revolutionary in these times: the next time your family goes for a walk in the fine fall weather, leave your cell phones at home. If you need to bring a device with you for safety reasons, keep it put away the whole time you’re out.

You don’t need to forbid conversation, but try not to fill the silence with it either. After all, as articulated by a silent walker interviewed by the New York Post for the above article, “If you’re never alone with your thoughts and you never get quiet you’re gonna miss the whispers.” It sounds like in addition to rediscovering walking, the TikTok generation is also rediscovering the idea that we need to create moments of silence in order to hear the voice of God. So head outside, create some silence, and see what comes in to fill it.

Have you made any similar discoveries, perhaps of truths you knew at one time but had forgotten? Share your stories with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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