A Neighborhood Pumpkin Patch

We talk a lot about the importance of loving our neighbors, but we don’t always take the time to cultivate those relationships. Fall is a great opportunity to put your money where your mouth is, as it were, and connect with the folks in your “patch.”

As Scottsdale Moms blogger Kate Eschbach put it, “fall is always such a perfect time to show kindness to your neighbors.” Why? Because we can finally spend time outside! People are doing yard work or walking in the cooler weather, those who escape the summer heat are finally returning, and we’re all about to go around ringing each other’s doorbells and asking for candy. It’s the perfect time to make your corner of the world feel more like a community, and a great place to start is by giving out homemade crafts!

We found a super simple craft that even the smallest kids can help you create. All you need is orange construction paper and green pipe cleaners. Cut the paper into 1” strips, punch holes in each end of each strip, stack them and curve them so all the holes line up, then pass the pipe cleaner through both sets of holes. Create a “knot” at one end and a knot with some extra pizzazz at the top (try twisting the extra length around a pencil!). Fan out the strips of paper and voila! You’ve got little paper pumpkins to pass out. If you need some visuals to help you create your own, check out the instructions here.

You can ring doorbells and hand them over in person or weigh them down with a rock or two and leave them on folks’ front stoops as a little surprise delivery. If you choose option 2, consider attaching a little gift tag to each one.

If you have a different fall-inspired craft idea, that’s great! If you prefer baking to crafting, that’s great too! We chose this particular project because it’s easy to make and sidesteps any potential food allergies (plus, paper pumpkins are far less attractive to hungry javelinas). But the connections you create are far more important than the objects you use to create them. As you transform your neighborhood into a pumpkin patch of your own creation, we hope it will become a more familiar, friendly place to kids and adults alike. And when the doorbells begin to ring on Halloween, you’ll be greeted by neighbors, not just people who live near you.

How are you connecting with your patch? Share with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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