The Angel Tree is Here!

We have officially made the leap from Halloween directly into the Christmas season (or so it would seem from the store displays). And that can mean only one thing: the Wesley-Golden Gate angel tree is back at Desert Mission!

Beginning today, and for the next few Sundays, the angel tree will be out on the patio, hung with gift requests from folks served by the Wesley-Golden Gate Community & Health Center. Desert Mission has “adopted” 40 individuals this year, from newborns all the way up through senior citizens, and you have the opportunity to bring some extra joy into their lives this Christmas season by taking an angel from the tree and purchasing some of the items listed on the back. You don’t need to buy everything on the list, and there is no specified dollar amount you need to spend. Be sure to sign out your angel on the clipboard next to the tree (you can also grab a card to fill out and include with your gift), and bring everything back by December 10. The angels are going fast, so if you can’t make it to the church in time to snag one for your family, contact the Missions team about pulling one for you.

Giving generously to missions like the angel tree is a wonderful way to spread Christmas cheer, and we encourage you to lean into it with enthusiasm! Rather than treating your angel tree shopping like an errand to be checked off the list, immerse yourself in the joy of giving. If you have young people in your life, take them with you. Model the way you’d like them to approach giving: as a way to bless others AND ourselves, not just at Christmastime but all year round.

The angel tree is a favorite mission for many in the Desert Mission community. Do you have other favorites? Share them with us in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!


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