All Saints Day

Today in church we observed All Saints Day. The Methodist tradition encourages us to broaden our idea of who these saints might be, and to honor them through our actions, not just our words. Here’s how you might do that this week.

First, we invite you to read about the intersection of Methodism and All Saints Day. Joe Iovino wrote an article for that is worth checking out. He invites us to open our hearts to honor those who have gone before us in faith, who inspire and encourage us, whether we know them or not, whether they are Methodists or not, whether we agree with them or not.

In that spirit, choose someone who lived a life that inspires you, whether or not it intersected directly with yours, and honor them in three ways:

  1. Gather memories – if you knew them, share your favorite stories with others. If you didn’t know them, but others around you did, ask them to share their favorite stories with you. If they were a public figure or otherwise not directly connected to you, do some research into their life and work. Feel their presence in the stories they left behind.

  2. Share experiences – step into their shoes by trying some of their favorite things. Eat a food they loved, try a hobby they were passionate about, listen to their favorite song or watch their favorite movie. Make a connection!

  3. Continue their work – finish a project they started, or make a donation of time or resources to a cause they supported. If their work was to move through this world spreading love, or kindness, or inclusion, carry that banner forward. Be their legacy.

Don’t worry about doing all of this today. Cultivating remembrance and gratitude for those who came before us is as much a gift to ourselves as it is to their memories, and it can be done at any time. And if you’d like to start by sharing any memories with us, we invite you to do so in person or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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