Christmas Around the World, Part 1 - Scandinavia

During this Advent season, we'll be taking a trip around the world, exploring Christmas traditions from different countries. Our first stop is Scandinavia, where Christmas trees are adorned with Julekurver (YOOL-ih-koor-ver), or Christmas baskets.

The Julekurver (we'll be using the Norwegian version of the word) dates back to the 1860s; in fact, it may have been invented by Hans Christian Andersen - the oldest surviving example of the craft is one he made in 1864.

It's super easy to make - all you need is paper (ideally two different colors), a cup to trace, a pen or pencil for tracing, scissors, and glue or tape. Here are the steps:

1) Cut the paper in half, then fold each half in half.

2) With the fold at the bottom, use the cup to trace an arc at the top of the paper, then extend the lines down each side. You'll end up with an upside-down U shape.

3) Draw two lines up the center of the U. Start at the fold and go about 2/3 of the way up.

4) Cut along your lines (do NOT cut the fold!).

5) Trace the whole thing onto the other colored paper.

6) Weave the two halves together by opening and closing the strips. This is the tricky part, but here is a little animation of this step.

7) Cut a handle from the scrap you created when you cut the U shape. With the fold at the top, glue the bottom to the inside of the basket. Use tape if you don't have glue.

8) Hang your Julekurver on the Christmas tree and fill it with nuts and small candies, and enjoy this beautiful AND delicious addition to your family's Christmas decorations!

A note on the different levels of craftiness offered by this project: the design described above is the simplest version of the Julekurver. Some may want to try their hand at a more complicated basket design, while some may be overwhelmed by the written instructions. There are resources for both groups here.

The website includes some beautiful patterns as well as a link to an extremely helpful video of the entire craft (it's Danish but the video has no words, so fear not, non-Danish-speakers).

If your family tries out this project, share on our Facebook page some pictures with us - we'd love to see what you've made. And join us next Sunday as we travel somewhere else!


Christmas Around the World, Part 2 - Colombia & Venezuela!


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