Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is on its way! In the midst of a challenging year comes what is, in essence, the ultimate family dinner. Ritual is an important part of the family dinner, and while your Thanksgiving rituals might be different this year, be sure to create a sense of significance around your meal - by cooking together, setting the table together, and, of course, by eating together. And when you sit down to eat, here are some ways to center your family's conversation around gratitude:

  • Spin the Gratitude Pie! Create a pie like the one pictured here (photo by Brian Woodcock), using a paper plate, colored paper, and a brad fastener (other artistic touches are at your discretion). Behind each "slice" is a word - family, friends, travel, pets, work, home - and as you rotate the pie, whichever word is revealed prompts the speaker to share a memory of gratitude around that word.

  • For the less craft-inclined, print this handy list of gratitude conversation starters, which includes questions like "Who did you thank today?" Cut them apart, place them in a bowl or in front of each person's place at the table, and use them to guide your conversation.

  • For some extra levity, you can also mix in some of these Thanksgiving-themed "Would You Rather..." questions, covering topics like "Would you rather eat cold turkey or a hot ice cream?".

One final thought: if your family is unable to gather in person as you normal would, video calls are an option that can help you connect across the miles. There are several platforms available; Zoom, which we use for our online worship, is among them, and has suspended its video call time limits for the day of Thanksgiving. While many of us are dealing with work- or school-related "Zoom fatigue," this opportunity to share your Thanksgiving conversations with those who can't be with us in person is definitely something to be grateful for.



Christmas Around the World, Part 1 - Scandinavia


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