New Mission: Check Your Closets!

Your "MISSION", should you decide to accept it is to check your closets for new or gently used purses and costume jewelry-to donate to a great cause!! Why you ask?? Desert Mission is thrilled to support for the FIRST time a charity in Cave Creek called PURSE-IMPRESSIONS!

Their MISSION is to give women who are graduating from substance abuse or alcohol treatment centers a wonderful reward for all their hard work--PLUS a way to go out in the world with DIGNITY....and some things of their own. By gifting them with a beautiful purse in which they can carry their PURSE-sonal things, the charity is giving women ways to continue making progress in the journey they have already begun. The purses are filled with hygiene items, makeup and other necessities. Please join us in the loving spirit of helping those in need. For more information contact Kim by clicking here.

Donations of purses and jewelry will be accepted all through September and there will be collection bins just inside the Narthex. If you would like to read more about PURSE-IMPRESSIONS, their website is

Thank you from your MISSIONS TEAM


The Inn of Arizona


School Backpack Drive