Become a Family of Bird Watchers

As the cooler weather invites us outside, the abundance of birds in this area is becoming readily apparent. Similarly, birds appear throughout the Bible, from the story of the ark and the flood to the parable of the mustard seed. This week, make the connection for your family while also spending some quality time together outside: go bird watching!

  • Begin by picking out a bird-related Bible story to read or watch together - if you'd like to experience the Parable of the Mustard Seed the way we do in Sunday School, check out this video from the Godly Play Foundation: 

  • Spend some time learning about the many species of bird common to Arizona. This article has information - and photos! - introducing some of the birds found in this area.

  • You can also participate virtually in Arizona State Parks' perfectly-timed introduction to bird watching on Tuesday the 17th at 8 am. Get more info here.

  • Once you're ready to head outside, there are high-tech and low-tech ways to bird watch. For those who are excited by the amazing tech out there, the Merlin app can help you ID the birds you see through descriptions or photos. Song Sleuth can help you just by listening to their song. If apps aren't your family's cup of tea, your local public library is a great resource for bird and bird watching guides.

  • Immerse yourself in the experience! All of the extra stuff is optional. It's perfectly fine to just head out (to your yard, a local park, a national park, anywhere!) and notice birds. Draw what you see, or write it down, or take photos. However you choose to structure your bird watching experience, let it be a reminder that after the flood, a bird appeared as a sign of hope.

If you notice any interesting birds this week, share pictures, drawings, or stories on our Facebook page.

Review images of a variety of wild birds ranging from common yard birds to birds of prey living in Phoenix, Arizona, and its surrounding area by clicking here.


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